Multiven Open Marketplace (MOM) opens to Public in Beta: Be among the first to test-drive Multiven’s Flagship Product

MOM Foundation
2 min readMay 23, 2019


The Public Beta for the long-awaited MOM is finally open, and Multiven would like to invite you to be among the first to discover MOM’s intricacies

The Multiven Open Marketplace open in public beta

You can jump right into the MOM’s game-changing experience on the Rinkeby Testnet and create an asset/ad for sale, by following these steps:

  1. Go to;
  2. Make sure you have metamask installed in your browser, if not you can install it here:;
  3. Make sure you have metamask connected to Rinkeby: — Click Metamask icon, choose ‘Private network Rinkeby’ at top right;
  4. Make sure you have Rinkeby ether (you can get some free ones in any of the free faucets: e.g. );
  5. Obtain free testnet MTCN which are required for creating and listing your asset: assuming you have some free Rinkeby ether balance in your metamask account: Send 0.01 Rinkeby ether to the test MTCN free faucet contract at 0x80f64eeba3f60aef41f0b53439c8487799bbfa93 (Make sure to use 42,000 as gas limit in the advanced options within metamask);
  6. After the transaction gets mined, you will obtain in return 6 (six) free test MTCN from MOM MTCN Faucet; In order to visualize your test MTCN Tokens in your metamask wallet go thru the following steps in the URL below within the section ‘The steps to add custom token are as follows’ (- In Token Address enter: 0x80f64eeba3f60aef41f0b53439c8487799bbfa93 - Token Symbol: MTCN - Decimal of precision: 18);
  7. Go to and agree to sign the message, which will connect your metamask account to the MOM ecosystem;
  8. Click ‘+Add’ button at the bottom right corner of and follow the steps to create an asset for sale;
  9. When prompted to, you will receive a pop-up notification from metamask asking to confirm the transactions to: Approve paying 1 (one) test MTCN to get your asset created and listed. Note: All MTCN listing fee will be burnt;
  10. Approve the actual asset creation on the blockchain using all the data you input in step 14 above;
  11. After a few minutes you should see your newly created asset listed as an ad under ‘Just added’ in homepage.
A successful MOM transaction on the Rinkeby Testnet detailing the ‘burning’ of the 1 MTCN listing fee

If you have any questions about Multiven, please post your queries on our Telegram group at

— The Multiven Team

